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Charles Moffat
Charles Alexander Moffat has been painting for a very long time. However it should be interesting to note that while growing up, he HATED painting. Absolutely hated it. The schools provided students with cheap paint and even worse brushes. With such materials, the paint would not do the kind of detail and perfection that he wanted to do.
It was not until highschool that he discovered acrylic paint and high quality brushes, and not until university did he experiment with oil paint. If you compare the chronological link to the left, you can see how his style and methods progressed through the years.
In 1997, Moffat's primary focus was experimenting with colour and line. In 1998, that changed somewhat to studying portraiture, but still maintaining a fondness for unusual colours. The Twelve Faces painting in 1998 is an excellent example of his determination to study portraiture.
In 1999, Moffat's interests became more figurative. Belly buttons, legs, necks, people's backs and whole figures. 1999 was also the beginning of the Lilith Incarnation series which continued into 2000 and spawned new themes concerning violence, sex, feminism, abortion, and memory. He also started to experiment with thematic photography.
2001 however was a very productive year. His interest in photography grew and he directed the "Nightmares in the Morning" series (and video art piece) in cooperation with Melody, followed by the "2001 Mirage Freak Show". His paintings continued to progress at the same time, as he also did murals and experimented with more "on the spot" paintings; Normally his paintings are planned out heavily.
2002 was a time of reflection following the September 11th. Moffat studied art history and spent much of his time writing about artists and their historical meanings. This historical interest however led him to create the reproduction of Friedrich Overbeck's "Italy and Germany". His self portraits during 2002 were brought about by Moffat studying what his style really is and what is involved in his artistic process. The Self Analysis series is more about process than the actual finished piece. In Autumn 2002 Moffat started painting penises and phallic symbols (see "Pacifism" and "Freudian Explosion") for a short while, cunning works about homophobia and androphobia. This continued briefly into 2003.
In 2003, he re-invented his style with "drip and flick" paintings (not to be confused with Jackson Pollock's "splatter and dribble" paintings) and created such works as "Untitled #3", "Salmacis in the Rain" and "Violinist #2". He also did 5 portraits of his friend Julie, of which #1 is currently shown in the Lilith Gallery. Moffat moved to South Korea in July 2003 and started working on 5 new paintings, a continuation of his new "drip" style, and those paintings should be available online some time in the future. While in Korea, he made the "Land of Morning Peace" photographic series, a comment on the beauty of Korea, but also the possibility of war with North Korea if the United States continues on its current warpath of destruction and economic chaos. The themes in the photography lean towards pacifism and the prospects of peace & tranquility.
In 2004 Moffat continued painting and doing more photography but also has started to experiment in video art. He has since created a variety of videos, including: "Fear Americans #2: Gun Control" and a variety of other "pastiche-style videos".
Moffat has created these new video art pieces as part of an artists co-op known as "United Anarchist Artists", although he is not an anarchist. He is a devout pacifist and agrees with the group 'only in principle' because he feels the United States is heading down a road of destruction & ignorance.
In 2005, Moffat released a much larger scale video art piece, "Nuclear Winter" and has continued the 'drip and flick' style with paintings such as the "Canadian Water Nymph".
Artist Statement
"My method of painting goes in the following order: I conceptualize and plan a particular piece. A particular idea may go through several drafts on a notebook. Many ideas never leave the notebook. Once the painting begins nothing is left to chance. I either draw a new image in the notebook/sketchbook or on a scrap of paper, appropriate an image or take a digital photograph of my intended image. This image may then be augmented or changed on computer, and then graphed on to the canvas or paper. I use layers of both thin and thick paint until the final piece is complete. I sometimes flick paint rather than brush it, smear the paint with a thumb to create a more desired effect and will sometimes use a toothpick for doing detailed spots.
Many of my paintings are portraits (or follow a portrait-like formula even if its not an image of a person), and within those portraits I follow a mix of formulas in which the face and eyes of the person/character I am portraying usually becomes the most intense part of the painting. The background is often used to accentuate and/or frame the face (sometimes using perspective with a focal point behind a person's eyes). I strive for a level of realism that gets my image across to the viewer, but without the piece becoming overworked. I choose my colours or shades in order to create a different emotional response from the viewer. I often strive to create an intense painting that draws a person's attention.
"Blue Lilith" or "Winter Lilith" is one of my works that best exemplifies what I am trying to achieve from the image. It is iconic, much in the same way that Alberto Korda’s image of Che Guevara is iconic. This iconographic imagery is something that endures, that people remember and will recognize again and again. It is also something that tends to become popular.
"United States Censorship" is another prime example of this iconic imagery, except it has a significantly more political purpose. It has become my theory in the past that activist art is the art that becomes more popular and endures the most. Looking back at art history, it has been the art pieces that made social commentary that became more readily popular. My favourite artists tend to be activists of some kind. Guernica, Olympia, Che Guevara, etc. This therefore includes artists such as Cindy Sherman, Manet and Diego Riviera.
Artists that deal with iconic portraits are also of interest, therefore Andy Warhol and Patrick Nagel also interest me. The level of popularity that Nagel’s work created was such that most people know what his work looks like, but very few people know his name. The idea of how works become popular also interests me, and I contribute this largely to mass reproduction of individual pieces.
I have found in the past that I am simply not satisfied with my work unless I am making some form of social commentary. Landscapes therefore have little meaning for me, unless the landscape itself is inherently political in some way. For example, a landscape of the DMZ (de-militarized zone) between South Korea and North Korea is inherently political, even though you can't see the landmines and bombs hidden under the ground.
History and mythology plays an important part in my artwork. To date I have made 11 paintings based on Lilith, with a large segment of my work exploring other historical and mythological archetypes, ranging from Ophelia to Saint Hildegarde von Bingen. In August 2001 I have created a new archetype called "Mirage". This is a deliberate attempt on my part to create an identifiable archetype that has very few negative connotations. Lilith, Ophelia and even Hildegarde have negative connotations. Mirage is therefore an attempt to create an archetype free of negative connotations that can serve as a conceptual role-model. Mirage is really about illusions however, since she does not exist, much like Utopia does not exist. I sometimes mix mythology with Freudian symbolism.
Since 2003 my works are straying from painting: I am working more with photography and video art, often using landscapes or images of buildings. My new work in 2007 revolves around experimentation and mythological narratives.
Charles Alexander Moffat"
Last Updated: February 1st, 2007.
Alphabetical Listing of Art by Charles Alexander Moffat :
Above the City : 2000
Above the Freeway : 2001
Acts of God? : 2001
Advertising Criticism #1 : 1999
Advertising Criticism #2 : 1999
Advertising Criticism #3 : 1999
After Thought : 2001
Albion's Androgyny : 2004 - New Lithograph
Angela Tarango #1 : 1999
Angela Tarango #2 : 1999
Anne of Green Gables at the Beach : 2006 - with Dale MacNevin
Astarte : 2001
Astarte Close-Up : 2001
Athena with Shield : 2001
Autostopowicz : 1999
Bad Vibrations : 2002
Bald Girl Shaving : 2004
Bald Grrl : 2001
Bang Bang Wonderful Days : 2004 - 6391 KB.
Bast / Tiger Woman : 2005 - New Painting
Bottle of Femininity : 1998
Boycott Unocal Oil : 2001
Burnt Flag : 2001
Canadian Goth : 2004
Canadian Water Nymph : 2005 - New Painting
Cancer #1 : 2001
Cancer #2 : 2001
Capitalism Perverts Reality #1: 2001
Capitalism Perverts Reality #2: 2001
Changing People : 2001
Charcoal Back : 1999
Che Guevara Meets Diego Riviera : 2001
Crop Signs : 2005 - New Movie, 19 MB
Cyborg Blowing Bubblegum : 2000
Dark Fairie : 2000
Dream of Gold on Black with White Swirl : 2006
Dyed Black Hair : 1999
Elevator Scene: Changing Times : 2000
Eternal Lovers : 1998
Eternity of Nirvana : 2004
Eye Brow Ring : 2001
Faces of Personality : 1998
Fantine's Depression : 2002
Fear Americans #1 : 2004 - 4301 KB.
Fear Americans #2: Gun Control : 2004 - 4901 KB.
Fear Americans #3: Oil Economics : 2004 - 9921 KB.
Fear Americans #4: American Life : 2004 - 8595 KB.
Fear Americans #5: Wolfowitz War Crimes : 2004 - 14,383 KB.
Fear Americans #6: Fear, Hatred & Stupidity : 2004 - 13,746 KB.
Fear Americans #7: Pinky and the Brain : 2004 - 2,175 KB.
Fetish: Belly Button : 1999
Fetish: Nails : 2001
Fetish: Neck : 1999
Fetish: Orange Lips : 2001
Fetish: Red Dress : 2001
Fetish: Roleplaying : 2001
Freudian Explosion : 2002
Freudian Orgasm : 2001
Gene Machine: Glowing Equality : 2000
Gene Machine: Kali : 2000
Greener Grass : 1997
Goddess of Moonlight : 2005 - New Painting
Guns, Guns, Guns : 2006
Hairy Arm Pits #1 : 2001
Hairy Arm Pits #2 : 2001
Hallway Lilith #1 : 1998
Hallway Lilith #2 : 1998
Hallway Lilith #3 : 1998
Hallway Lilith #4 : 1998
Hallway Lilith #5 : 1998
Hands in Hair : 1999
Hands Off : 1998
Heart of Demona : 2004 - 9877 KB.
Hermaphroditus/Salmacis Series #1: Childhood : 2001
Hermaphroditus/Salmacis Series #2: Flowers : 2001
Hermaphroditus/Salmacis Series #3: Crying : 2001
I69 : 2005 - New Painting
Inside the Feminist #1 : 2000
Inside the Feminist #2 : 2000
Inside the Feminist #3 : 2000
Inside the Feminist #4 : 2000
Inside the Feminist #5 : 2000
Inside the Feminist #6 : 2000
Italy and Germany Reproduction : 2002
Jack is Too Sexy : 2004 - 5075 KB.
Jack the Ripper : 2001
Julie #1 : 2003
Kat #1 : 2001
Kat #2 : 2001
Katya : 2000
Kill Bill Daddy Cool : 2004 - 5849 KB.
Lady of the Lake : 2001
Land of Morning Peace #001 : 2003
Land of Morning Peace #002 : 2003
Land of Morning Peace #003 : 2003
Land of Morning Peace #004 : 2003
Land of Morning Peace #005 : 2003
Land of Morning Peace #006 : 2003
Land of Morning Peace #007 : 2003
Land of Morning Peace #008 : 2003
Land of Morning Peace #009 : 2003
Land of Morning Peace #010 : 2003
Land of Morning Peace #011 : 2003
Land of Morning Peace #012 : 2003
Land of Morning Peace #013 : 2003
Land of Morning Peace #014 : 2003
Land of Morning Peace #015 : 2003
Land of Morning Peace #016 : 2003
Land of Morning Peace #017 : 2003
Land of Morning Peace #018 : 2003
Lilith by the Red Sea : 2000
Lilith Incarnation #1 : Blue Lilith : 1999
Lilith Incarnation #2 : Autumn Lilith : 2000
Lilith Incarnation #3 : Forest Lilith : 2000
Lilith Incarnation #4 : Scary Lilith : 2000
Lilith Incarnation #5 : Red Lilith : 2002
Lion Nightmare #1 : 2000
Lion Nightmare #2 : 2000
Lion Nightmare #3 : 2000
Male Taboo Topic #1 : 2001
Male Taboo Topic #4 : 2001
Male Taboo Topic #7 : 2001
Marilith : 2000
The Mirage Freak Show Series : 2001
Mirage Painting #1: Thinking : 2001
Mirage Painting #2: Scythe : 2001
Mirage Painting #3: Crying : 2001
Mirage Painting #4: Smile : 2001
Mirage Painting #5: Eye : 2001
Natural Born Babykillers #001: 2004
Natural Born Babykillers #005: 2004
Natural Born Babykillers #007: 2004
Natural Born Babykillers #010: 2004
Natural Born Babykillers #011: 2004
Natural Born Babykillers #016: 2004
Natural Born Babykillers #017: 2004
Natural Born Babykillers #023: 2004
Natural Born Babykillers #035: 2004
Natural Born Babykillers #040: 2004
Natural Born Babykillers #045: 2004
Nightmares in the Morning : 2001 - 2057 KB.
Nightmare in the Morning #08 : 2001
Nightmare in the Morning #30 : 2001
Nightmare in the Morning #42 : 2001
Nightmare in the Morning #44 : 2001
Nightmare in the Morning #52 : 2001
Nightmare in the Morning #56 : 2001
Nightmare in the Morning #58 : 2001
Nightmare in the Morning #60 : 2001
Nightmare in the Morning #62 : 2001
Nightmare in the Morning #74 : 2001
Nuclear Winter : 2005 - New Movie, 45 MB
Oh So Serious / Gypsy : 1999
Oil, Blood and Cleavage : 2003
Oil Truck : 2003
Ophelia #1 : 2001
Pacifism : 2002
Pacifist : 2003
Plaid Hitchhiker : 2000
Postal Warrior II : 2000
Portrait of Carolina : 2004
Portrait of Eve #01 : 2005 - New Painting
Portrait of Eve #02 : 2005 - New Painting
Portrait of Eve #03 : 2005 - New Painting
Portrait of Eve #04 : 2005 - New Painting
Protestor : 2003
Ranma 1/2 Kung Fu (Large Version) : 2004 - 14620 KB.
Ranma 1/2 Kung Fu (Small Version) : 2004 - 7938 KB.
Reject : 2000
Reproduction : 2001
Ripple #1: The Girl in the Corner : 1997
Ripple #2: A Drop in the Bucket : 1997
Ripple #3: The Love Ripple : 1997
Ripple #4: Raindrops on Roses : 1997
Salmacis in the Rain : 2003
Samurai Jack - Hotel California : 2004 - 7710 KB.
Samurai Jack Meets Wong Fei Hung : 2004 - 6789 KB.
Samurai Jack - Stayin' Alive : 2004 - 8793 KB.
Self Analysis #1 : 2002
Self Analysis #2 : 2002
Self Analysis #3 : 2002
Sexual Blasphemy #1 : 2005 - New Painting
Sputnik : 2000
Starry Night : 2006
Statues of Memory : 2000
Succubus Wings : 2001
Succubus in Corset : 2001
Tattoo of Time : 1999
The Cleveland Medusa : 1999
The Glancing : 1998
The Glowing Maid : 1998
The Glowing Violinist : 1998
The Heart of Molloch : 2004
The Last Thing You Feel Bub : 2004 - 6569 KB.
The Suited Medusa : 1998
The Suited Succubus : 2000
Twelve Faces : 1998
Un Lego Soldier dans le Champagne #001: 2004
Un Lego Soldier dans le Champagne #007: 2004
Un Lego Soldier dans le Champagne #017: 2004
Un Lego Soldier dans le Champagne #018: 2004
Un Lego Soldier dans le Champagne #019: 2004
Un Lego Soldier dans le Champagne #020: 2004
Un Lego Soldier dans le Champagne #022: 2004
Untitled #3 : 2003
United States Censorship : 2001
Valeska : 2000
Vertigo : 2001
Violinist #2 : 2003
Why? : 2000
Windsurfing : 1997

Sexual Blasphemy I, 36 x 58" : 2005
Canadian Water Nymph, 9 x 12" : 2005
Bald Girl Shaving, 32 x 24" : 2004
Salmacis in the Rain, 36 x 30" : 2003
Acts of God?, 24 x 30" : 2001
Oil, Blood and Cleavage, Oil on Canvas 30 x 30" : 2003
United States Censorship, Acrylic on Canvas 24 x 25" : 2001
Pacifism, Acrylic on Canvas 30 x 30" : 2002
Mirage Painting #1: Thinking, Acrylic on Canvas 20 x 24" : 2001
Blue Lilith, Acrylic on Canvas 24 x 30" : 1999
Freudian Explosion, Acrylic on Canvas 24 x 18" : 2002
Italy and Germany Reproduction, Acrylic on Canvas 48 x 36" : 2002
Violinist #2, Acrylic on Canvas 36 x 48" : 2003
Albion's Androgyny, Ink Lithograph on Japanese Paper 24 x 28" : 2004