The Lilith Gallery

"Nightmares in the Morning"
by Charles Alexander Moffat :

  • Nightmare in the Morning #08 : 2001
  • Nightmare in the Morning #30 : 2001
  • Nightmare in the Morning #42 : 2001
  • Nightmare in the Morning #44 : 2001
  • Nightmare in the Morning #52 : 2001
  • Nightmare in the Morning #56 : 2001
  • Nightmare in the Morning #58 : 2001
  • Nightmare in the Morning #60 : 2001
  • Nightmare in the Morning #62 : 2001
  • Nightmare in the Morning #74 : 2001
  • Nightmare in the Morning #08, click to see larger version.

    Nightmare in the Morning #08 : 2001

    "Nightmares in the Morning" was made in the January and February of 2001. Each individual photograph represents a small nightmare that is part of a much bigger narrative. Since there are 74 pieces in the entire narrative, we have scaled it down so you can see a smaller version of the narrative, including some of the more important pieces. Nightmare #74 is the most famous of the pieces. It is sometimes called "Nightmare in the Morning #74: Death" instead of simply #74.

    If you would like a catalogue of the images, they are available on CD for $20 US plus shipping. You can contact for more info. Prints of the series are also available with prices depending upon size.

    The model who worked with Charles Alexander Moffat prefers to remain anonymous at this time, and yes, her nose really is pierced.

    Nightmare in the Morning #44, click to see larger version.

    Nightmare in the Morning #44 : 2001

    Nightmare in the Morning #52, click to see larger version.

    Nightmare in the Morning #52 : 2001

    Nightmare in the Morning #62, click to see larger version.

    Nightmare in the Morning #62 : 2001

    Nightmare in the Morning #74, click to see larger version.

    Nightmare in the Morning #74 : 2001

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